Monday, November 17, 2008

Flu shot drama!

Peyton is having a rough time right now. She had been pretty fussy all day yesterday and we just knew she was getting sick. She'd already had diarrhea for the past couple days and had a sore bum from that, and then by 8:30 last night we noticed that she was getting the same goopy eyes that Logan had a couple weeks ago when he had his eye infection. This morning she woke up with very red eyes. So I decided that I should probably take her to the dr. so we can get going on some eye drops and get it over with asap. I've been needing to take the kids in to get their flu shots, so I decided it would be nice to kill two birds with one stone and take them all in with me when I took Peyton.

I tried to figure out this morning how I could break the news to my kids so it wouldn't come as a surprise once we were at the dr's office. I decided to do it one child at a time. Ember was first. I told her and she started bawling! After crying for a few minutes and me trying to calm her down, she said (while still crying), "Can't they just put me to sleep so I don't feel it?" I couldn't help it, I started laughing uncontrollably which only made her mad. She quipped back at me, "I'm serious! If they put me to sleep I won't have to feel it?" She was apparently quite oblivious to the fact that they would have to give her a SHOT to put her to sleep!

Then before I could get a chance to pull Kya in, Ember went ahead and told her. So then I hear Kya start crying and running to me telling me she doesn't want to get a shot. After trying to console her for a few minutes she turns to me and says, "Mom, do ALL shots use needles?" Oh dear......

And I thought I hated needles......


JakenDebbie said...

I hear that they have something called "Flu Mist" this year, I think they just breath it in or something and it's supposed to work better than the shot. We haven't done shots yet this year, either...Anna is terrified too. Last year was so traumatic, we may just skip this year. :)