Halloween turned out a lot different than planned this year. I had such big plans to do a full "Peter Pan" theme. Peyton is a huge Tinkerbell fan and my Mom happened to find a cute little Tinkerbell costume at a garage sale, so I thought it would be a great idea to kind of build around that. September was going to be Wendy, Kya was going to be Peter Pan (we talked her into being a boy by telling her that in most stage productions it's a girl who plays him), and Logan was going to be Captain Hook. (He's been a pirate twice before and he makes a very cute one!) But I didn't start thinking about everyone elses costumes soon enough, on top of the fact that I ended up with swine flu a week before Halloween, so those plans all had to change at the last minute! My mom to the rescue....again!! She had found a ladybug costume that would fit September (which she actually had already planned on wearing for school since "Wendy" without the rest of the Peter Pan crew would not really look like much of anything). The costume came with its own little tutu thing, but September wanted to wear the one my Mom had made her this summer since it coincidentally was a ladybug themed one. She had even made some cute little ladybug hair things to go with it that would be perfect. Then, that gave me the idea just to have Kya wear the tutu that my Mom had made her and just have her wear her dance leotard underneath paired with her old ballet slippers that actually still fit her and voila....she was a dancer! Then, I borrowed a football player costume from my sweet neighbor friend, Katie, for Logan to wear. It would have been fun for my original idea to have come to fruition....but this was a LOT less work!!
Everybody had been sick to one degree or another that week and I had kept September and Kya home from school for a few days. They were very happy to only have slight coughs by Friday because that was the day their school was going to be doing their costume parade and parties. So I let them go....even though I wanted to be selfish and keep my "helpers" home! Peyton was still feeling a little sick. You can see it in her eyes. I can't believe I actually got a picture with a happy face and even a smile because she was GRUMPY that day! I completely forgot to have her wear her wings until I saw them in my room the next day. Oops! But she is complete with eyes watering, boogers running down her face, and a nice red mark on her forehead from running into something!
Even though it was a little disappointing not doing the original costumes I wanted, and not getting to do some of the usual Halloween activities (carving pumpkins, going to the trunk-or-treat, watching the kids costume parade at school), it still turned out to be a fun Halloween for the kids and not much work for me!
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