Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Birthday getaway to Midway

For Matthew's birthday this year we decided to go on a quick one-night getaway up to Midway as a family. Our timeshare has a place up there and the kids have been wanting to go up there since we got the timeshare a little over a year ago. It's great because it's so close to home, and yet you still feel like you're "getting away". Plus, it has a pool.....which is one of the main reasons that the kids have been dying to go! It was a total treat for Ember and Kya because we even pulled them out of school to go. They're both doing so well in school, we figured one day couldn't hurt. We went up to Park City the next day and did a little shopping at the outlets. It was a fun, relaxing day!

Here's a picture of the place we stayed. Nothing fancy, but it was nice. I love the whole "Swiss" look of Midway. Even the churches have that "look" to them.

Matthew LOVES Hot Tamales. It's tradition for the kids to always buy them for him for his birthday. This year we went one step further and we bought one for him from EACH of us! They lasted about 3 days! :)