Tuesday, May 11, 2010


I know, I know, it's been a while since I've blogged. I've been meaning to and wanting to. It's been a nagging thought in the back of my head for weeks and weeks. And not in a bad way. I LOVE to blog! I love having something to look back on and remind me of special occasions or random silly happenings. My blog is my journal and without it I'd probably forget so much detail about all of the events and things in my life. Life just gets so busy sometimes, which is exactly WHY I haven't gotten any blogging done the past couple months.

Take a look at this calendar:

Why am I complaining about being so busy when the one and only thing on my calendar for last month was Kya's birthday?! I had to laugh when we went to turn the calendar to May and realized that that was the only thing that ever got written down for the entire month of April. In reality we were SO busy that we didn't even have time to ever write anything down!

Not only have the past couple months been busy, but they have been such an emotional rollercoaster! I've spent a LOT of time crying the past few weeks, but thank goodness not ALL of it was for bad/sad reasons. There were quite a few really great, happy moments too. It's funny how just when you think things are going great (not perfect, but great) and you're finally on top of has a way of throwing a curve ball at you. I'm trying to do better at rolling with the punches. Many days I just feel punched!

So, before I let any more time pass and forget too much, I need to hurry and blog about all of those moments. But just to avoid an anxiety attack from feeling completely overwhelmed (which has been a pretty constant theme lately), I think I'll ease back into things and try to do just a couple posts a day. One of these days I'll be back on top of it. Or, maybe not! And if not, I'll TRY not to guilt myself over it. Because after all, there are more important things in life. Like MAKING the memories that are blog-worthy, but may or may not ever actually make it onto the blog!


Hadlock Hideaway said...

I totally understand. My nagging feeling in the back of my head has gone on for over a year with very few posts. Now I post what I feel at the time and go back plan on doing memory post when I feel like it and have the time. Good Luck and can't wait to read more :)

Hollie said...

I am with you sista! miss you! i got to see your cute girls at the pool a few weeks ago, my have they grown!